Challenge: ANZ wanted to bolster a thriving mortgage division by building goodwill and enhancing customer retention by rewarding mortgage customers with a gift. Criteria included affordability, security, usefulness, and ease of shipping.
Solution: ReturnMe’s keytags provided a perfect match for the challenge by being pertinent to home ownership and by providing a useful lost and found service to its valuable customers.

Benefits: Customers received a purposeful gift that was personalized and demonstrated a level of care that strengthened the bank/customer relationship.
Results: Customers were so thrilled and ANZ equally as happy with the results that the tags have been reordered for three consecutive years.

ANZ is one of Australia and New Zealand’s largest banks both by assets and market capitalization. In order to bolster a thriving mortgage division, the institution wanted to build goodwill and enhance customer retention by rewarding mortgage customers with a gift. The criteria for selecting the gift revolved around affordability, security, usefulness, and ease of shipping. In the end, they selected a set of two ReturnMe keytags in a custom box with a personalized insert card. Let’s examine the promotional campaign.
With nearly 70,000 customers a year that obtain an ANZ mortgage, you can see why retention and attention is necessary. The idea was to find a promotional concept that would be useful and highly visible in terms of brand visibility and connote a feeling of gratefulness for the customer’s decision to use ANZ for their mortgage needs. ReturnMe’s keytags provided a perfect match for the challenge.
In order to test the efficacy of the giveaway, a trial of 1,000 gifts was undertaken. The gifts were extremely well received, after which the next test was for 5,000 gifts. Again, everything went beautifully and the concept was a smash hit. ANZ then committed to the full 70,000 units and never looked back. Let’s examine what made this giveaway such a resounding success.
One of the keys to a successful giveaway is to cultivate an authentic level of care and to do that in a way that’s personalized. Given that the recipients were all new homeowners, it was decided that the box in which the gifts were given would have a welcome mat image. This created a feeling of home comfort upon receipt of the gift. Secondly, there was an insert card inside each box that was personalized to the mortgage owner - nice touch! In that insert card was a heartfelt writing that wished the homeowner well with the hopes that they were enjoying their new neighbourhood - another nice touch!
But perhaps the most inspiring part of the campaign was the usefulness of the gift. The keytags themselves were designed for the homeowner’s actual house keys. The keytags are powered by ReturnMe’s incredible global recovery service so that if a set of home keys are ever lost, the likelihood of them being returned is a staggering 90%. Now that’s a useful gift! The activation rate of these specialized keytags was astronomical, proving that the gift resonated with its recipients. Also, Aussie’s are known to be amongst the most prolific travelers in the world, therefore ReturnMe’s international service is fitting to a nation that loves to travel. And given that the program is now in its third consecutive year, we’d say that the tags and the spirit of Aussie travelers are a match made in heaven! Have a look at some of the testimonials below and at the actual images of the gift.
If it’s creativity and practicality you’re looking for, please contact our Customer Care team so that we can provide you with spec samples and idea decks that will astonish your customers and provide a truly unique experience that will generate long lasting goodwill and appreciation from your customers.