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Golf Kit (GK-MDT)

Introducing the all new GOLF KIT. This all-in-one solution offers peace of mind and protection against misplaced items golfers leave behind at the golf course.
With this kit, you can focus on your game, not your equipment!

Cover Template.png

Quantity GK-MDT




6 tags




8 tags





One-time setup fee $50 (G)

Under 250 tags = 4-8 days (domestic)
Over 250 tags = 15-18 days

Price Includes:

  •  4” x 6” double sided flyer card in a poly bag 

  • Stainless steel loop for bag tag 

  • Reward of $50 ReturnMe gift certificate 

  • 5 year warranty Lifetime ReturnMe

  • Service with free return shipping for the first year


6 Branded ReturnMe recovery tags:

  • 1 Metal epoxy domed full color tag for your golf bag

  • 1 Metal epoxy domed full color tag for your keys

  • 1 laminated vinyl mobile tag for your cell phone OR range finder

  • 3 laminated vinyl club tags (putter, pitching wedge & sand wedge)


 8 Branded ReturnMe recovery tags

  • 2 Metal epoxy domed full color bag tag

  • 1 Metal epoxy domed full color tag for your golf bag

  • 1 Metal epoxy domed full color tag for your key

  • 1 laminated vinyl mobile tag for your cell phone OR   range finder

  • 5 laminated vinyl club tags (any 5 clubs)

How it's Packaged 

Your branded tags are packaged full color double sided marketing card (4” x 6”) poly bagged

Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the price?

6 or 8 Branded ReturnMe recovery tags, attached to a branded full-color marketing card with activation instructions.

What size is the marketing card?

Our standard sizes are 4 x 6 inches 

How does it come packaged?

The Golf Kit comes packaged with a marketing card within an poly bag.

How does the end-user activate their tag in our system?

The end-user can follow the instructions displayed on the marketing card, where they can activate their tag on our website.

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