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Why Purchase your Holiday Greeting Cards from ReturnMe?

Sam Jackson

Why wouldn't you?

Oh, I know - maybe it’s because you don’t know that we have them. Or maybe it’s because you don’t know that for more or less the same price as a Hallmark greeting card, ReturnMe will personalize a holiday card, add a lost and found product, and have it mailed directly to your customer.

Ahh! now you’re getting it!

This holiday season, you’re going to want to take the hassle out of holiday greeting cards and give the entire project to us so that we can fulfill it and provide a greeting card that actually has a gift in it. Choose from a gorgeous luggage tag, key tag, mobile tag, webcam cover, or a TOUCH-AID. Each of these products comes with ReturnMe’s legendary lost and found service, which means that if you lose your luggage, keys, cell phone, laptop (or anything else to which you attach your ReturnMe product), it’ll be returned from anywhere in the world. How awesome is that?!

With inventory on-hand and domestic production primed and ready to go, you can have your goods shipped in a matter of days. So I ask the simple question one more time: “Why wouldn’t you purchase your holiday greeting cards from ReturnMe?”

Click here to see full details of this awesome holiday solution.

Suhail Niazi




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